To start the analysis of the plan, you need to send a POST-request to /explain request to explain with 
the body of the plan and additional call parameters in the form of a JSON object.

An example to call with CURL:
curl -X POST https:///explain \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @FILENAME
here FILENAME is the path to the file containing the call parameters as a JSON object Response format The positive processing result is returned with the code HTTP 302 . In the heading Location returns the URL of the renderer of the rendered plan, including its uuid : /archive/explain/42453282d5fc9c05d637372d3851165d:0:2021-08-03 Request parameters
plan string plan in text / JSON / YAML format as a single line
name string the name of the plan in the archive
private boolean plan is visible only in personal archive, default: false
associated query
query string the text of the associated query
params string $ n-parameters as a single line
plan tree
group UUID(string) group root plan ID
parent UUID(string) parent plan ID
Request examples
simple plan
{ "plan" : "Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class\n Index Cond: (oid = '1259'::oid)" }
named plan
{ "name" : "Plan-name", "plan" : "Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class\n Index Cond: (oid = '1259'::oid)" }
associated query
{ "plan" : "Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class\n Index Cond: (oid = '1259'::oid)", "query" : "SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'pg_class'::regclass" }
parameterized query
{ "plan" : "Bitmap Heap Scan on pg_class (cost=503.84..1720.79 rows=4781 width=265)\n Recheck Cond: (relnamespace ='99'::oid)\n Filter: (relowner = '10'::oid)\n -> Bitmap Index Scan on pg_class_relname_nsp_index (cost=0.00..502.64 rows=4781 width=0)\n Index Cond: (relnamespace = '99'::oid)", "query" : "SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = $1 and relowner = $2", "params" : "$1=100,$2=10" }
adding to the tree
{ "name" : "Plan-name1", "plan" : "Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class\n Index Cond: (oid = '1259'::oid)", "query" : "SELECT * FROM pg_class", } -> UUID:8cf81ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328
{ "name" : "Plan-name2", "plan" : "Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class\n Index Cond: (oid = '1259'::oid)", "query" : "SELECT * FROM pg_class", "group" : "8cf81ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328", "parent": "8cf81ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328" } -> UUID: 12345ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328"
{ "name" : "Plan-name3", "plan" : "Index Scan using pg_class_oid_index on pg_class\n Index Cond: (oid = '1259'::oid)", "query" : "SELECT * FROM pg_class", "group" : "8cf81ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328", "parent": "12345ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328" } -> UUID: 98765ae6-0ccf-fe5f-b0e7-529b5b1e4328"